Ricardo Kaká is a Brazilian football legend who captivated the world with his extraordinary talent, charisma, and sportsmanship. Rising to prominence in...
Sergio Ramos is widely regarded as one of the greatest defenders in the history of world football. Born in Camas, Spain in...
Over the past decade, few footballers have commanded the global spotlight quite like Luis Suárez. Nicknamed “ El Pistolero”, the Uruguayan striker...
International football is thought by many to be one of the biggest stages in football with many players regarding it as the...
Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart” kicks off our football chant list. Released...
Football fans all over the world will reminisce about some of the great legends of the game such as Diego Maradona, Pele,...
Football History The Raumdeuter is arguably the most unique position in all of football. This article will show the effectiveness and meaning...
Football: The Wing-Back Football has provided many tactical tweaks over many years and one of the biggest was the introduction of the...
The Origin A “False Nine” is essentially a deep lying striker. A traditional number nine’s role is to hold up the ball,...
In recent years it has become a theme that the winner of the World Cup ends up having a disastrous performance at...